Home Tech Tips 15 Best Hidden Camera Detector Apps

15 Best Hidden Camera Detector Apps


Can you be sure that no one is spying on you? Do you feel that someone is spying on you? Don’t worry we got you a solution to this.

Detecting the Hidden Camera is not an easy task. Best Hidden Camera Detector Apps are there to do that for you. Best hidden camera detector apps will only help you out.

hidden cam apps

So in this article, you will get the list of 15 Best Hidden Camera Detector Apps long with their working process. Check the complete Guide and pick the one which is best for you.

What are Hidden Camera Detector Apps?

Best Hidden Camera Detector Apps lets you check for hidden security cameras. If The Hidden Camera Detector App detects a security camera, it will show a warning that it has detected a possible hidden camera.

These Hidden Camera Detector Apps are Best as you can detect any hidden cameras in no time. The best thing is, they are free to use.

Do Hidden Camera Detector Apps Work?

Yes, Best Hidden Camera Detector Apps do work. They detect hidden cameras in such a way that you can be sure of it. It is easy to use and the Best out there.

Note: Best Hidden Camera Detector Apps cannot let you know if there is actually a security camera installed somewhere else collecting footage for security reasons but Best Hidden Camera Detector Apps will only let you know if there is a presence of a possible hidden camera.

15 Best Hidden Camera Detector Apps – Hand Picked

Top Best Hidden Camera Detector Apps that are free to use. Just pick the best one which matches your requirement and go ahead with it!

  1. Hidden spy camera detector
  2. Detectify
  3. Hidden Camera Detector
  4. Hidden Camera Detector – Spy Camera Finder
  5. Glint Finder
  6. Hidden Camera Detector/Finder
  7. Bug detector scanner – spy device detector
  8. Electronic Device Detector
  9. Hidden Camera Detector
  10. iAmNotified
  11. Spy Hidden Camera Detector
  12. Electromagnetic Detector EMF
  13. Hidden Spy Camera Finder
  14. DontSpy 2
  15. DeviceOwl

So these are the 15 Best Hidden Camera Detector Apps which you use right away.

Hidden spy camera detector

Hidden Spy Camera Detector is Best Hidden Camera Detector App. The best thing about it is that it is free to use and Best of all, no ads while using it! So best part there is full privacy with this app.Using this Hidden Spy Camera Detector is very easy. As well as it could detect any hidden spy camera. The best thing is that it lets the users know where exactly the camera is, which makes it easier for them to remove the camera.


Detectify lets you know whether a given place has a hidden security camera or not. Using this Best Hidden Camera Detector App is very easy. All you have to do is point the camera at a given place and Detectify will let you know if there is any hidden security camera present.

Hidden Camera Detector – Spy Camera Finder

Hidden Camera Detector – Spy Camera Finder may get a little difficult for some users who are not familiar with the app’s interface. But if you get used to it, it will be of great help to you. This Spy camera finder detects hidden security cameras and all other devices which use electricity to operate.

Hidden Camera Detector

The Hidden Camera Detector App has many features. It is free to use and free of cost. Using the front camera only detects whether there is any hidden security camera or not. The best thing about this app is that it gives notification when there is any sort of face detected by the phone’s front-facing camera, which means if anyone is spying on you, this app will detect it right away.

Glint Finder

Glint Finder is free of cost Best Hidden Camera Detector App detects any hidden camera in a given place using the phone’s flash. Using the Glint Finder is very easy and free from ads too! It detects any hidden camera which has bright LED light or bright cold light emitting from them. It uses the phone’s camera only.

Hidden Camera Detector/Finder

The Hidden Camera Detector/Finder is free to use the Hidden Camera Detector App which helps you find hidden cameras in your surrounding places. It is free from ads too. This app detects any hidden camera using the phone’s inbuilt camera. Make sure to check this Hidden camera detector/finder and comment on your experience below.

Bug detector scanner – spy device detector

The Bug Detector Scanner – Spy Device Finder scans the room to detect the presence of an electric field. It is free from ads and free to use too. This app detects magnetic field which is caused by devices that work on batteries of electricity. Even it works to detect the hidden camera without any issues.

Electronic Device Detector

The Electronic Device Detector free-of-cost app lets you know whether there is a hidden security camera or not using your phone’s inbuilt camera. It is also free from ads as it provides a free service. Simply point the camera at any place and this free app will let you know if there are any hidden security cameras present or not.

Hidden Camera Detector

The Hidden Camera Detector is one the best Hidden Camera Detector Apps and is to detect your surrounding environment using your phone. Always remember detecting the hidden camera is a tuff task. So making use of this Hidden Camera Detector is what I also recommend. Make sure to check the instructions given by the app to make it work smoothly.


The free iAmNotified free of cost and free from ads too. The app has many cool features and is very easy to use even for people who are not familiar with the apps’ interfaces. This free app gives notification when any face or motion is detected by the phone’s camera, this means that if someone spying on you then this app will let you know.

Spy Hidden Camera Detector

The Spy Hidden Camera Detector is the best free hidden camera detector. It is also free to use the app which helps you find hidden cameras around your places. This app uses the phone’s camera only to detect whether there are any hidden security cameras present or not.

Electromagnetic Detector EMF

The Electromagnetic detector EMF App is free and is very easy to use. This free app detects potentially harmful electromagnetic fields in your environment. The free version of this app is ad-supported. The advantage of using the Electromagnetic Detector EMF App is that it’s free. The disadvantage of using this free app is that it can obstruct your view because of the ads.

Hidden Spy Camera Finder

Hidden Spy Camera Finder is also one of the best Hidden camera detector apps. This free app has over 7 million downloads and a 4.2 rating on Google Play Store. This application can be used to detect hidden cameras, lenses and also to detect any hidden wireless cameras. The free application uses your device’s camera and flashes after giving a loud alarm to indicate the presence of an intruder.

DontSpy 2

Dontspy 2 is free. It checks for hidden cameras and it will tell you if there is one in there or not. It scans the whole room and notifies you if there is any hidden camera. It can detect too much light and it will tell you to take care of this problem. The free version will only scan the room and nothing more. You can upgrade by paying for it and then, it does full 2-avenue checks: front and back of the room, 100% free.


Device Owl is free to use and is made by Squirrel Info Inc. It has over 100,000 downloads on Google Play and works with all Android devices. The app notifies you if there are any hidden cameras that are in the range of your device’s camera by blurring the viewfinder and shaking the screen. It also vibrates when an object is detected nearby. The user must keep the object in the viewfinder for a few seconds so that it can detect and identify it. DeviceOwl has done well at independent testing and has been featured on the National TV show ‘Morning Blend’.


To Sum It Up, all free and best Hidden Camera Detector Apps are free from ads and free to use. I hope you would have liked our article on Best Hidden Camera Detector Apps. Feel free to comment below your best Hidden Camera Detector Apps. If you are facing any issues, comment in the box below. Stay tuned to Techlyfire for more informative guides.


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