Home Tech Tips Is The Number 855-707-7328 Calling Me to Scam Me?

Is The Number 855-707-7328 Calling Me to Scam Me?


Is The Number 855-707-7328 Calling Me to Scam Me?

New numbers and scams are now becoming inseparable considering the high number of people who have been scammed by new numbers pretending to be genuine or from genuine sources. As such, so many people treat new numbers with great caution and care when they come calling especially if they were not expecting any calls from new numbers.

The case with new number is not any different with the number 855-707-7328 which has been reaching out to many people majority of them being those that do not know the exact origin of this number. This has occasioned a huge debate regarding them origin of the number 855-707-7328 and the possible reason for the endless calls from it.

Is The Number 855-707-7328 Genuine or From Scammers?

The number 855-707-7328 is from a company known as SelectQuote which is a health insurance marketplace. Therefore, if you are getting calls from the number then chances are the calls are coming from this agency which partly makes them genuine and not from scammers.  However, this is not to say that every call that comes from the number 855-707-7328 is genuine.  With criminals getting smart and aided by technology, it is very much easier for people to access such genuine numbers and use them to scam people. This is why you are still reminded to be extra careful with new numbers.

Why is The Number 855-707-7328 Calling Me?

There are endless reasons as to why the number 855-707-7328 is calling you and one of them unfortunately could be from scammers.  In that case you might need to be very careful especially if the callers asks for some private like credit card pins and others. If not that, calls from this number are very genuine and could be calling you as part of a telemarketing drive.


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