Home How to How to Delete Poshmark Account from PC & Mobile

How to Delete Poshmark Account from PC & Mobile


How to Delete Poshmark Account: Well, before we start to know or learn to Remove Poshmark Account, what exactly it is? Well, to brief Poshmark in simple and single-line statements, it is the best E-commerce site or also called for the social marketplace.

How to Delete Poshmark Account from PC & Mobile

This is a perfect destination where people do buy and sell either new or used clothes, home decor, accessories, beauty-related products, and many more. Millions of people today accessing the Poshmark and selling different things which come under various categories.

You can sign up via mail or can continue with either Facebook or Google. Apart from this, what if we like to delete Poshmark account? How to Delete Poshmark Account? For all these types of queries, you are going to get a perfect answer shared just below. Hence without making any delay, let’s get into the details straightforwardly.

What is Poshmark? What are its Features?

Poshmark today, considered a well-leading social platform or marketplace meant for a new and secondhand style that suits men, women, kids, home decor, pets, and many more. Hence by uniting and establishing communication between both physical shopping and human, the Poshmark now running simple and sustainable too. If you have observed today, there are registered users million in number all around the places like Canada, Australia, the United States of America, and many other distinct places.

While getting back toward’s its features:

  • It brings the listings to your life. So that easily helps in selling the listings by showcasing them via short videos and photos which completely gets disappear within 48 hours.
  • Connecting with the community on time.
  • You have the opportunity to make your stories get successfully shoppable.

Like these, there are many more interesting features too. Besides this, let’s now focus on our main point How to delete the Poshmark account. Is this possible? Yes! But there are certain steps which you have to learn and follow the same. Anyhow, let’s start reading such significant details shared just below.

How to Delete Poshmark Account?

Well, in order to delete the Poshmark account, you are requested to redeem the outstanding sales balances encountered when you recently sold the items from the app. Because Poshmark clearly says that it cannot process the deletion process if there are any redeemable balances or pending transactions that exist.

Hence after deletion, no listings or related information going to be available. Noting down these points, let’s go through the process to delete Poshmark account.

  • How to Delete Poshmark Account on Mobile?
  • How to Delete Poshmark Account on PC?

Let’s start to take a look at the various steps involved to delete the Poshmark account so easily irrespective of device.

How to Delete Poshmark Account on Mobile?

Whatever mobile you use either iOS or Android, go through the below steps and implement the same now to delete the Poshmark account.

  • The very first visit the Appstore or Playstore depending upon the device you use like either Android or iOS.
  • Now search for the Poshmark app.
  • Download and end up the entire installation process.
  • Launch the app. Once the app gets open, choose the account tab which is present at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  •  After the successful tap, scroll down the available menu list and select Poshmark support center.
  • Now do select manage account status available just below the copyright policy.
  • Finally, tap on delete my account.
  • Then a pop-up prompt on the screen asking you to enter the verification code which has been sent to your mail-id or mobile number.
  • Enter the same and as a result, click on submit.
  • Once done, answer the reason why exactly you are deleting the Poshmark account.
  • After doing so, choose to delete my account.
  • you get the pop-up appearing on the screen where you have to click yes to confirm.

That’s all!! This way you can now easily implement these steps to Remove Poshmark Account. But what if you are using a PC none other than a computer, even in that case, you can easily delete Poshmark account.

But How to delete Poshmark account? If you are also searching for the same? Then without making any delay let’s start learning steps which were shared just below.

How to Delete Poshmark Account on PC?

Follow the below instructions or steps when you use a Computer or PC to delete your Poshmark account.  Let’s start.

  • The very first visit the official web page https://poshmark.com/login and log in.
  • Later go to Poshmark’s delete user web page.
  • By taking the drop-down menu, select the reason why exactly you are deleting the Poshmark account.
  • Then click on the delete my account button available on the screen.
  • Next to this, right in the pop-up window, click on yes to confirm by clicking on yes.
  • Choose log out, that’s all!!

You’re well done!!! The account is successfully deleted.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why we fail to delete Poshmark listings?

Usually, Poshmark will no more remove or edit the listings. Even though the order is canceled, the listings cannot be removed or edited. Because the solid listing what it has is going to act like record maintaining for previous transactions made. Did you ever hear about the Multi-item listings? This is the place where an item has been sold already but cannot be deleted.

Can we have multiple Poshmark accounts?

You can have only 1 Poshmark account unless you get the Poshmark written permissions.

How to delete the active offers on Poshmark?

Very simple. You need to change the item size which is comprised of an active offer. Hence the offer immediately cancel the offer. The only thing you need to make sure of is to delete it as soon as possible before the customer accepts the offer.

How to disable Poshmark account temporarily?

  • Go to the account tab.
  • Select the option called My Seller tools.
  • Now choose another option called Vacation Hold.
  • Turn the button and set dates.
  • Enter both begin and end dates.
  • Finally, click on save.

How can I hide the listing on Poshmark?

Follow the below simple steps to hide the listings at Poshmark.

  • Visit the Poshmark support center.
  • Tap on the Vacation Hold available in the settings tab.
  • Toggle it to ON.
  • Therefore, all the listings going to be marked and displayed as Not For Sale.


As per my guess, you may now clear about How to delete Poshmark account. Whatever device it might be iOS/ Android/ PC, very simple and easy to Remove Poshmark Account successfully. If in case of any queries, mention straightforwardly over the below-provided space. We will help and clear out. Be in touch with techlyfire to learn more interesting and latest 100% useful tutorials that are very soon going to be shared or upgraded over here.


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